Selected Publications

A Strategic Holding: On the National Wealth Fund and the need for public coordination,” essay for Common Wealth Perspectives, 2024.

“The Greatest Generation: How Public Power Can Deliver Net Zero Faster, Fairer and Cheaper,” report for Common Wealth, 2024, with Chris Hayes, Mathew Lawrence, and Adrienne Buller.

’Twinned Transition: On the green mixed economy,” essay for Common Wealth Perspectives, 2024, with Mathew Lawrence.

“Governing the Supply Side: Why It Requires Building the Green Mixed Economy,” essay for IPPR Progressive Review, 2023, with Mathew Lawrence.

“Green Capital Strike!,” essay for Common Wealth Perspectives, 2023, with Chris Hayes.

“Coordinating  the Green Prosperity Plan,” report for Common Wealth, 2023.

“Transitioning Systems?,” essay for Common Wealth Perspectives, 2023.

“The Political Economy of US Green Industrial Planning,” report for E3G, 2022.

Discussions & Interviews

“Freeing Energy From the Market,” discussion with Adrienenne Buller and Chris Hayes for The Break Down on public ownership and electricity decarbonization, 2024

“Where do campaigns for renewable, democratically controlled power go next?,” discussion with Kate Aronoff, Brett Christophers, and Lizzie Oh for Climate and Community Institute on the politics of democratizing electricity, 2024

“Profit and Power,” panel with Kyle Chan, Brett Christohpers, and Robinson Meyer for Phenomenal World on profits, prices, and the green energy transition, 2024.

“Grid is Good,” podcast interview with Chris Hayes and Brian Kamanzi for Trade Unions for Energy Democracy Radio on the need for public ownership and reintegration of the UK electricity system, 2024.

“Varieties of Derisking,” panel with Skanda Amarnath, Daniela Gabor, Chirag Lala, and JW Mason for Phenomenal World and the Polycrisis on industrial policy, state capacity, macrofinance, and the green transition, 2023.

For more of my recent media publications and interviews, see Common Wealth’s news and commentary tracker.